Sunday 11 May 2014

Myanmar - Asia's uncut jewel


Myanmar has only recently started to open its gates to the outside world as part of that process those gates are being flooded with tourists from all over the world and the big corporations of the world. Coca Cola, Pepsi and the big Asian brands are all making a play for Myanmar. So in time this country is going to become like all others. While this process will take ten years or more and we all hope that the country will retain its village feel for as long as possible. This blog post is about our visit to Myanmar in 2013. If you're planning on visiting this may help you and if your a drifter on the internet it may prompt you to visit or appreciate a rarely talked about corner of our world.

What we covered

Out trip took in the key triangular cities of Myanmar. Starting in Yangoon, flying up to Mandalay, then Bagan and finishing around Lake Inle. Other trip also take in the one of the beach locations. An whilst the Andaman Sea is one of the finest and warmest seas. We did not do a beach locations.

We went to Myanmar in March/April and it was seriously hot. Our tour had a whole day hike, the other half would never have managed it let alone our kiddies. Best time to visit likely to be November to February. This is high season. Which we went at the tail of the tourist season its was relatively easy to get around.

Yangoon (Rangoon)

We landed in Yangoon from Hong Kong. One of the most laid back cities in Asia. The traffic moves slowly and there is a lovely drift to the city. We started with a visit to Aung Sui Ki's residence where you're greeted with a lovely wall and told of her residency there.

The Shwedagon Pagoda overshadows the whole city and its the centre of attractions. The pagado is stunning day or night but its worth seeing it during both periods of the day. 

Shwedagon Pagoda - Day time ambience
Shwedagon Pagoda - Night ambience
Yangoon also has a number of other attractions the Scotts Market for any souvenir shopping, The reclining buddha pagoda (Chaukhtagyi Pagoda). We stayed at the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel - a lovely hotel with good facilities. A refreshingly cold pool to counterbalance the heat of Yangoon in March.


We flew Air Mandalay to Mandalay, our touch covered the Saigaing hills although we were too tired for the drive and we say the monastry from the bank of the Irrawaddy. Our real tour began with a boat ride and bullock card ride to the Bagaya Kyaung (Wooden Monastry). As you ride through the country side you notice the landscap littered with mysterious stupas and it does make you wonder what a rich civilisation this area must have been in the the past. The day finished with a walk around the U Bein Bridge. 

We toured more of Mandalay the following day covering Mingun and Shwenandaw Kayung a white stupa. 

Mandalay is the birthplace of a lot of Burmese Art and in particular marble carvings. To add to our collection we bought a lovely marble Buddha (60cm) for USD 50. It was unfinished but with the most blissful face possible. If you do be careful to make sure you have a receipt as airports check for stolen antiquities.

Happy walkers on U Bein Bridge


No visit to Myanmar without taking in the magical city of Bagan. Rise early to see the sunrise over the mist covered stupas and transform yourself to an bygone era. Bagan has thousands of stupas and its impossible to see them all there are a few key ones that your guide will pick out for you.

The hot air baloon ride are super popular so be sure to book then well in advance. We missed out as out trip was very last minute. Other things I would recommend is to ride around Bagan assuming that its not the midde of summer.

Crowds on top of a stupa watching sunrise over Bagan
In Bagan we stayed at the Thiripyiysaya Scantuary Resort Bagan and what a location to stay at the children were happy with the pool to cool off after a hot day touring the sites. Dinner and breakfast was relaxed in facing the Irrawady river and the surrounding plains.

Pindaya and Lake Inle

From Bagan we flew to Heho airport from where the Pindaya Caves and Lake Inle are accessible. If you are short on time you would choose Lake Inle over the caves. Also there are a number of Hiking options from Pindaya to Inle should you feel energetic enough. I believe the hike take a day with an overnight stay in a monastry in the mountains. The lake, its markets and life is beautiful and gentil. The unique aspect of this place is the Inle fishermen and how the steer their boats as they fish. Sunset over the lake and absorbing its life is a great way to end any visit to Myanmar.

Paddle and Casting technique of the Inle fishermen

Lake Inle - reflections on street life

Lake Inle : Sunset conversations


From Inle (HeHo) we flow back to Yangoon. We had a spare day in Yangoon and then back to Hong Kong.

Our trip was arranged with a Myanmar Shalom travels and they were great. The arranged guides in each city, the flights, pick ups and drop off's. I would thoroughly recommend them to any future travellers. They seem to be a smaller company compared to a couple of their more established competitors.

Costs and Coverage

The snapshot below outlined what we covered and our tour cost were HKD 80000 or (USD 10K / GBP 6400. This was for two adults and two kids including internal air fares, guides, entry into all the sites and all drives.

More Photos of our trip at Myanmar on Flickr


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