Monday 22 August 2016

Day 20 (5 August 2016) - San Diego

San Diego felt like a real laid back place, we were staying in La Jolla which seem to be on the outskirts of the main San Diego which means especially laid back. Our day in San Diego was means to be one of our recovery days from the intense travel to date and the part of the journey that lay ahead.

So this page is not really going to be about San Diego and all the wonderful things we did, if you're looking for that the tourist website will give you the low down. We had seen many aquariums and zoo's before so San Diego was going to be an easy day.

We went to the main shopping close to La Jolla and it was one of the best shopping areas we had been to to date. It was relaxed and the shops were easy to navigate. Although it was baking hot, the San Diego experience was a taster for going back to the desert.

San Diego Sunset

We said good by to the Pacific Coast line with a San Diego set and whilst cloudy it did not disappoint. The sun and surfers put on an excellent show for us in the evening.


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