Monday 22 August 2016

Day 19 (4 August 2016) - Los Angeles to San Diego

Everyone who travels these days will TripAdvisor everything and for Los Angeles the Getty Museum and Villa rank highly. Being from London and have access to a large number of museums means that while the Getty visit was interesting it was not mandatory. But our day's driving to San Diego was a reversal. It started going backward, tracking back on ourselves to the Getty and then even further back to Malibu.

The Getty

The Getty was a short ride away from where we were staying and there are no entrance charges to the Getty but there is a parking charge (also give access to the Getty Villa). The museum is extensive and one of the nicest to walk around the buildings are spaced out and give you time to absorb everything. Technology is well employed throughout the museum.

The gardens are excellent too and the place is definitely worth a visit.

Malibu Beach

There were a number of exhibition going on that day we visited a few before we getting on with our continued journey down the Pacific coastal highway. We continued our reversal up to Malibu with  view to going to Nobu in Malibu for lunch we never quite made it and ended up going up to Point Dume State beach while was wonderful. Our lunch stop was just off Malibu beach at a place called "The Sunset". The restaurant is right at the end of Malibu Beach and makes an amazing spot to stop for lunch. Its the kind of place where you can look out of the window and know you are blessed for that moment.

Los Angeles to San Diego

We resumed our drive south from Malibu to San Diego. We continued to follow the Pacific Coastal Highway South.

We were staying around La Jolla Cove. The drive down too an absolute age while the indication on the picture above says 4 hours it took us closer to 7 hours. Yes we stopped but we also got caught up in LA traffic. We persisted with the traffic so that we could say true to the Pacific Coastal Highway but as soon as darkness fell that persistence felt misplaced and we went out to the interstate 15 route and on to San Diego. That was the last of our love affair with the coastal route and what a magnificent coast line it was.


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