Wednesday 3 August 2016

Day 8 (24 July 2016) - Yosemite to Lake Tahoe Drive


The Yosemite to Lake Tahoe drive is a long one and not particularly interesting once you are out of Yosemite National Park. By contrast the drive through Yosemite to the north east exit of the park is mind blowingly beautiful. There are winding road, tidal waves of hills and phenomenal view that grace you as part of the drive.

Tiago Pass

To exit the park we drove from Yosemite Valley and took the Tioga Pass. There are number of look our points along the Tiago pass and there are a number of vista area where you can pull over and take pictures or more practically admire the view with your own eyes.

Here are a selection of photographs from our journey out of of Yosemite.

Tuolumne Meadows

The Tuolumne meadows have the potential to be extremely beautiful. When we went they were devoid of expansive beauty. There were of course some beautiful patches of flowers there but nothing that one would expect from a meadow. With that said here is a of the shot of the spots of flowers we took there (Photo Credits to Mrs. themanishdiary).

If you're going to Yosemite then this is a drive you must do. Its a spectacular way to see the park. There are trail right across the park if you are feeling adventurous enough. Additionally the road is laden with camp grounds which were all full when we drove through.

Our onward journey across to Lake Tahoe was a no nonsense drive across to South Lake Tahoe where we stayed. 

A lot of the route was back tracking along the Tiago pass to Lee Vining. Where we stopped to look at the lake and then moved on. The road from Lee Vining to South Lake Tahoe the I365 is a pretty eventless affair until the climb the mountain to descend into South Lake Tahoe.

We got there at a decent hour for once and had time to find a restaurant and take in a sunset and an illegal bit of trespassing which we managed to wangle our way out off.


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