Wednesday 17 August 2016

Day 16 (1 August 2016) - Santa Barbara to Los Angeles

Santa Barbara town center is very accessible and organise it has a single main street that ends at the Pacific Ocean. The street is littered with high end shops and restaurants. Parking is straight forward and just on the streets behind. The beach has easy parking too.

The beach is a very nice too, we came across and interesting sight in the car park of a decorated van. Whilst I did not have much interest in it my better half took some interesting capture of the diligently and very thoughtfully covered van. Ultimately it was a tourist gimmick and i did feel like punching the owner who made an insulting remark at the fact that Asian's (young Chinese lady) do not pay tips to take photographs. We'll do not park you colourful van in a public place muppet hide it away our build a museum and charge for it.

Santa Barbara

Some of the more interesting things we saw in Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara harbour and pier were lovely as was the beach generally see below. The only eyesore was the oil rigs on the horizon. Really I did not realise that the rigs came so close to shore.

Drive to Los Angeles (LA)

The drive to LA was a short one and on the way way down to LA we avoided Highway 1 and went through the freeway to pass through the homes of the Kardashian's in Calabasas. Why ? You may ask the only answer is the indoctrination of young children. The ride through was pretty painless and we arrived early afternoon and headed out to around the street of Hollywood where we were staying.

Our route 


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