Tuesday 22 September 2015

Hong Kong Twins - the experience


So this is not what you would expect from the title. The Hong Kong twins are not some explicit fantasy that the title may suggest in your mind. Although you could question my mind for thinking it up. The Hong Kong Twins refer to the trail between Parkview over the mountains to Stanley. This is in fact the reverse of Stage 1 of the Wilson's trail.

On a normal day this is a gruesome trail with a straight 1000 step climb up the mountain from close to sea level to the top of the first twin. The trail for most part is either ascending or descending so particularly heavy on the leg muscles. For anyone attempting this who's not particularly fit - take it slowly and preserve your energy.

To add some excitement we did the trail at night and here are some of the picture I took along the way to give you an idea of what the night hike across the twins entails.

Twins - the explicit photos

As a plug the best head torch to use is the diamond black - they are like a proper light beam illuminating everything around you. You can do this with your phone light. The trail is excellent for insects, in the night the trail is littered with spider webs and the occasional snake. Thankfully any snakes you spot on the trail will be small and usually the bright green sort, so easy to spot.

All in all a must do for anyone fit and up for an adventure. For me my Hong Kong business trip was a trip down memory lane as the trail was something we did over the winter months in Hong Kong. You usually see a mass of walkers and runners on the trail primarily people training for the moonwalker or Maclehouse trail races. Suggest you attempt to finish before 10pm

This is a picture of the terrain of the trail.

I obviously took my time, but the fastest time i've encountered is 45 minutes in the night running across the entire trail. Be careful you all, but above all enjoy it the views are magnificent especially on cool winter evenings. Good company and exercise makes it a fantastic evening. We usually finish with a big communal dinner we do not want to lose any valuable calories.

Monday 31 August 2015

New York revisited and Philadelphia

Introduction : New York revisited and Philadelphia

The summer of 2015 meant a revisit to New York this time as a tourist and a short day trip to Philadelphia. Taking the family meant that my NY visit was a proper tourist trap laden outing. But well worth it. So these page will be useful for those planning a visit or just a scroll through memory lane for those of you who have been there.

Our way

Was to buy the New York City Pass before our visit and this meant that we traversed the city a lot more smoothly than we thought we would. The City pass has separate lines that allows you to skip most of the queues. We ordered and paid for ours over the internet and picked up the ticket booklet at the first place we went to see on the list.

Roc and Empire

We did the Roc by day and the Empire State by night so that we could sample the day time and night time views. Here are some of out pictures from the day.

Statue of Liberty

The second day was the Statue of liberty, to avoid the queues start early. We went on a spectacularly good day with blue sky and limited summer humidity.  We didnt have the podium or crown tickets which have to be reserved in advance. Just as a guide the crown has to be reserved 2-3 months in advance and the podium weeks to a month. As great as visiting these point would be there are enough high points in NY and you'll need to pick and chose the ones you want.

Here are some of our selected pictures from the Status of Liberty. Note the ferry also visits Ellis Island and I'm told that there is a really interesting museum there but I've never been despite visiting the Statue of Liberty three times. Guess I'll have to go a fourth time !!!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

The real WWW - wicked weekend in wales


The quest to get away periodically continues with the May long weekend bringing a jaunt to South Wales. It was probably a little more driving than I would like but what a place that part of the United Kingdom is. Given ours was a short weekend we keep things close to the M4 so that it was east to traverse different places. Opposed to our Cambridge trip we opted for Premier Inn an equal alternative to the conventional Travelodge as our resting place.

First stop - Margam Country Park

Miserable Margam was a perfect setting to start our break. After an early start from London and a spanking 3 hours along the M4 motorway we arrived at miserable Margam Country Park. But don't linger on the miserable adjective the park was wet so difficult to appreciate its glory but the castle was magnificent surrounded by the grey skies. It was the castle of doom from the stories you will have read as a child.

Margam Castle - be scared, be very scared

A more amiable view of the side of the castle

You can go inside and admire the wonderful atrium
The castle grounds are excellent to take a kite - there's plenty of wind usually we were told, except the day we were there. Our newly bought kite was wet and packed back in its packaging. Margam country park was hosting a special event (super heroes) the following day. Fortunately we missed seeing men in colourful tights and even better we read in the national press that the day was marred with large crowds, Version 2 of the event will surely be better. My advice is avoid men in tights and go on a miserable day and admire the melancholy of the place.

The Gower Peninsula

This stretch of beach lies between Swansea and an area known as the Mumbles. We parked up on the road side near the Mumbles and walked along the seafront. You can see along the coast all the way to Port Talbot which houses a steel works. Its a great place to walk, run, cycle and pretty much appreciate what life is meant to be about.

As you can see the weather had cleared up when we went to Gower during the afternoon and out kite got a good working over soaring into the blue sky and drying itself off. One of the by products of our Gower visits or shall we say souvenirs were the rocks you see in the foreground some of which grace the edges of our pond now. We finished Gower with a hot cup of team to watch the tide come in.

Rhossili Bay - just go there will you

Just do as I say and you wont regret this. Rhossili Bay is on the Bristol Channel and the Irish Sea. As the M4 ends you have to take a number of smaller country roads to end at the bay. We followed direction to Rhossilli and ended up at the upper part of the bay where you can walk along the cliff edges. There is an alternative route to the sand dunes lower down so plan your day accordingly. While we were there for a couple of hours the area has an immense amount of beauty. But I can imagine it being bitterly cold outside of the summer months. The blue skies and the clear views made for super brain detoxing medicine. Sadly its not the kind that you can bring back to the retoxification effects of London but remember respite is only 3 hours away.

Aberdulais Waterfall

So this is no Victoria Falls but its Wales and the sounds of flowing water brings a natural feel good factor. The falls are part of an old works and remains of its are still part of the area. The waterfall is artificial to some degree but still very picturesque. The attraction is a small one with the waterfall being the primary draw.

Well there you have it

As an old buddy of ours from Hong Kong used to say. Go and get some detox its better than anything from a bottle.

Sunday 17 May 2015

New York - with the crowd in central park


I can never contain my sense of excitement when thinking about going to New York City. I was fortunate enough to go there recently and the number meetings meant that it made sense for me to have a weekend there. While the day is conducive to anything more than work the evening prove invaluable in seeing the city. Now I've been to New York City before and know my way round it. But this time the trip was different. Here are some of thing I got up to.

Central Park Circuit.

I had warm evening when the office emptied at 6pm and I went back to the hotel with nothing much to do. So I put on my shorts and thought it would be worth while running around the Central Park circuit. Being the middle of spring the day was warm and the number of cherry blossom trees and the evening light were magical. But I think every man and woman on the west and east side must have had the same ideas and me as there was a bevy of different New Yorker running along side me.

Cherry Blossoms in Central Park (April)

Looking out over to the west side
A little fitness while taking pictures

Chrysler Building

Here's a photo looking up at the Chrysler building from just behind Grand Central station. Magnificent building but sadly you cannot go up to the observatory of this phenomenal building

Chrysler Building - Day time shot of the Art Deco façade

Empire State Building

The Empire state is still a building that takes your breadth away to build something so tall nearly a hundred years ago and still a functional building to this day is something. This does have an observatory but next time baby!

Grand Central Station

A beautiful ambient train station the home to many a movie and handy location for a Apple store too. No I didnt buy anything from this one.

Times Square

Times Square is always happening and you cant beat the buzz around this place. I've noticed that most places in the world have a Times Square, even out local shopping centre has a times square but nothing compares to this place.

Eye Catching H&M lady

Times Square - Circular Panorama

St. Patricks Cathedral

Here's a view of St. Patrick's cathedral sandwiched between commercial mid tow and the shops of Fifth and Madison.

Top of the Roc

This is the view from Bar65 at the top of the Rockefeller Centre. I would say this is the best way to spend your money if you're going to the top of the Roc. Yes the drink prices are extortionate but there are every where else in the world where you have a view like this.

Other places to visit

For a few evening drinks and watching the sun go down over Jersey head to down town and the Standard Hotel roof top bar.

Just across from the Standard Bar is Hog and Heifers bar - if you've seen Coyote Ugly this is the place in NYC. Sadly the place was dead on the day I went but interesting for the visitor. It looks like a biker crowd hopefully they are not territorial


Hopefully will be back in the Big Apple soon enough with the family in tow to properly visit the sights again and get some better pictures with proper focus and more light! Until then adieu.

Brussels for the day - sprouts and all


The first leg of our European trip started in Brussels (Belgium). We arrived late at night with the intention of having a full day's sight seeing around the city. We stayed just outside the centre of town a short bus/tram/metro ride away from the centre of town.

Brussels is easy to get around and convenient from a transport perspective generally. We started our day at a leisurely pace and headed to the central square. We managed to cover two area the centre of town and the atomium.

Brussels Town Centre

The mails square is where most of the key buildings and façades are to be seem. A number of other landmarks spoke off the mail square and are generally walking distance in proximity.

Galeries St Hubert's

Brussels Town Hall

Town and Main Square

Other attractions in the area are the Chocolate museum, we had a bunch of chocolate aficionado's who who wanted to go and go they did. Strangely that came out sick of the smell of chocolate and in ended up indulging my self in the perpetual chocolate tap and biscuits.

Mannequin Pis

The other attraction in the are is the Mannequin Pis, if you ask me it's pissing your time away going to this attractions. The kid is the size of a baby having a pis - I didn't see the fascination with this especially not the legions of selfie sticks busy with people taking pictures in its proximity. Take the kid to a toilet please! Just for your viewing pleasure I've add a picture of the desperate young chap.

Maison Dandoy

So you don't really want to eat Brussels's sprouts when you're in Brussels but you do want to go to one of the mail Belgium Waffle places while you're are there. The key place to go is the Maison Dandoy. Fortunately this place is right between the Grand Palace and the Mannequin Pis - so you wont have pissed your visit to the mannequin away if you stop by this place. Downstairs is a shop but they serve phenomenal Belgian Waffles there. Unfortunately we had a bunch of sick kids who were put off the chocolate but that didn't stop me stuffing my face. Hopefully they will read this in the years to come and remember to go back.


Our visit to the Atomium was really a three hour queuing experience with a 25 mins view across the city. There is really not that much to see so unless you have bags of time on your hands you can skip this. The Atomium park is a lovely attraction and on a clear day you'll get great pictures of this marvellous building.

Have some chocolate

Definitely the place to have chocolate and if the museum doesnt get you so pop into one of the shops in the main square and indulge.

Chips matey (Fritland)

The other thing to make sure you try is the local chippy - in Belgium the chip is a big deal and you have to visit Fritland. We visited their shop behind the main square and every other local mush have had a frites fetish that very hour as I had to queue for my portion of chips. But queue I did and I joined the locals for hots chips on a cold day. It did wonders to dispel the sickly sweet chocolate overdose.


There are a probably a few other things you can manage to squeeze into your day. But a great place to visit especially in the summer when you can relax in the cafe culture around the centre of town.

Here is my short photo blog of 3 minutes in Brussels from Flickr.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Amsterdam : You gotta go and drop it like its hot


If Snoop Doggy Dog goes to there there's going to be something about the place. Given that I was travelling as a family, dropping like it hot was slightly difficult to say the least. But here goes a more conventional trip to "the Dam". 

The key thing to understand if you're driving to Amsterdam is PARKING - there is a serious art to parking. Parking in Amsterdam is pretty expensive hotel parking in the center can easily be in the EUR 30-50 range. Parking in hotels outside the city centre maybe cheaper. But do factor it into your budget.

I got a nasty surprise with my parking bill coming to EUR 155 for 4 days whereas I thought I had parked in a car park that would cost me in the region of EUR 25. Needless to say it took a long time to negotiate it to a more reasonable EUR 50. But parker beware!!! Look up P+R parking for the best rate but do watch out they are restrictive

What we did ?

We were in Amsterdam for about 4 days. Given we went there during Easter driving in from Luxembourg. Our days were spent as follows:

1. Kuekenhoff Gardens
2. Rijks Museum, Canals and Dam square and surroundings
3. Van Gogh Museum, Ann Franks House and Red-light district and more city centre stuff
4. Drive through the flower route and Kinderjik

So here goes a quick tour of the sights of Amsterdam that we saw.

Keukenhoff Gardens

The garden are open from April to the end of May and showcase daffodils, tulips and other spring flowering plants. The gardens are set over a very large area and will take you half the day to cover at normal pace.

If you do go this is what you will see:

Amazing flower displays as you walk around the gardens

Magnificent tulip colours

Phenomenal varieties with every size and colour

No this is not a painting - these are the actual flowers.

Keukenhoff has a lot of facilities and going around the gardens is easy for anyone. Behind the gardens are some very colourful tulip fields. Ideal for photographs. The fields at Keukenhoff weren't as well developed when we visited there were limited flowers in bloom.

So we had to wait for few more day for the classic tulip fields.

Rijks Museum and Canal Tours

The biggest museum in Amsterdam was the Rijks Museum. The museum is located just outside the centre and but very accessible by trams / buses that serve the city. If you are a Rembrandt fan this is the place to go with a number of his works of art on display including the famous "Night watch". Key advice is either go early or book on line. We had an hour wait and we were queuing from 9am.

This advice goes for all the museums in Amsterdam you need to book early to have an chance of getting tickets. We were lucky we booked the tickets over the phone while queuing for the Rijks museum. With the benefits of free wifi we planned to go to the Van Gogh and Ann Franks museum the following day and booked the tickets. Here are some of the things we saw around the city.

Row houses along the canal

View from the Canal Cruise

Dam Square

Ann Franks House, Van Gogh Museum and Red light district

No pictures in this section as its largely museums and the Van Gogh's museum does tell Vincent's life in a great deal of detail and takes you through his extensive works of art.

Our visit to Ann Franks house is an educational trip down memory lane. Just the sheer gravity of what's happened there during WWII is enough to make you think about your decision making and prejudices. We had a bunch of kids of varying ages and its makes for an intriguing visit for them. The key piece of advice is plan the visit and book the tickets. The queue for the Ann Frank museum is over 2 hours on a good day.

Now to the Snoop Doggy dog topic the streets adjacent to the red light district are safe for children. There are side streets where there are curtained off rooms - if your kids understand the meaning of this then by all means take them. Its educational for girls to see what some people do for a living and its educational for boys in teaching respect irrespective of people professions.

A number hemp products are available to purchase for myself I steered clear apart from the shear infused hemp flavoured lollypop. Believe me it was more sugar than anything else.

Flower (Bloemen) Route

We started our journey back home via the famous flower route in Holland. The route starts off in Harleem and is sign posted from the start so follow Bloemen or Bollenstreek route. You will follow the route south and you'll see tulip fields either side of the road at regular intervals. Take your time to stop take pictures / have a picnic. We followed the route in this link until the Hague and then veered off home.


We veered off the main connection road between Amsterdam and Antwerp to look at the Kinderjik windmill farms. This is a great area with a number of picturesque windmills that are still in operations.

The best thing about going to Kinderjik is that you can rent bikes from a store and cycle along the canal look and visiting the windmills that are open. The path run between town in the area and is easy to navigate. The main windmills are located in the first 750m strip along the canal. Other are slight further a field but well worth the bike ride out there. Bike are cheap to hire but be aware you'll need a hefty deposit (Cash) and some form of identification.


I'm reliably told that Snoop Doggy dog goes to Amsterdam twice a year to do his stuff given its legality in the city. You don't need to go for the cannabis the city has a lot to offer across the range of ages.

With that said, myself and the Mrs do have a visit to pay there and do a Snoop when the kids have flow the nest. But lets see !!!!

In any case a visit is well work it whatever shape or form it takes.