Friday 2 September 2016

Day 27 (12 August 2016) Bryce Canyon

Our trip was coming to an end with our departure back home the following day (from Las Vegas). So the one last surprise was Bryce Canyon. We drove Drove to Bryce Canyon from Cedar City and then took the Interstate to Las Vegas.

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon was a strange place to visit very distinct in its rock structure that leaves you wondering is this really earth you're on. The place has information on its structure and formation. Primarily there is a trail look around the Canyon where you descent into Bryce Canyon and then climb back out.

We went on a particularly hot day and so my tendency was to walk half way down and then back up. Though a lady we met on the way strongly encouraged us to do the whole loop. Much to our kids dismay. The extra walking was worth it as you have great photo opportunities at the bottom of the trail.

Route for the day

Our route for the day is shown below, it was essentially a drive to Bryce and then onto Las Vegas.

We ended out trip in Las Vegas, right back where we started it all.


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