Saturday 2 May 2015

Going where ?..Luxembourg. Where's that ?


Most people know of Luxembourg but have rarely thought to visit or know much more about it than the name. As a banker Luxembourg is a key centre in Europe for its secrecy laws, tax haven reputation the fundamental foundations of a key investment centre.

We travelled there without our investment centre hats although as someone with a banking background I was intrigued by what lay within its borders. Our visit to the medieval city was a short day trip with an over night stay. We cross into Luxembourg from Belgium which is a seamless transition.

Luxembourg Town Centre

The town centre hangs across a deep gorge along a valley with the town build up along its walls. Luxembourg city is relatively small so very easy to navigate around. We stayed out of town and took a bus to the city centre. Buses are straight forward and the easiest mode of getting around town.

Luxembourg : A view across the town

Looking down stream

Panorama across the lower level

City Walls and Castle looking down at the Grund

Notre Dame Cathedral

Things to do and see

We visited the city on Sunday and there was a bustling Sunday market in progress with lost of things for visitors. Some of local items were fascinating to browse. The most intriguing are the pottery birds see everywhere in the markets. We seemed to have timed out trip perfectly given its was Easter and close to the Emaischen festival.

We also went to the Luxembourg museum which was great and took you through the history of the city and the relevance of Luxembourg. The museum is an easy hours browse to give you the background of the region.

The city has a lower level ("the grund") which seems to be the old part of town there are paths down to the lower level and a lift service which was interesting to take.

The Bario Grund
We also went to visit the Notre Dame cathedral which was majestic both inside and out.

Due to a lack of time in Luxembourg we missed visiting the Vianden Castle. Which is meant to be very beautiful but a good one hour drive out of town. Need to leave something for the next visit.


Stop by Luxembourg a very picturesque city to spend the day. There is an out of town modern side to Luxembourg too where you will find the great financial and European institutions. No picture here they weren't interesting enough for me.


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