Saturday 2 January 2016

30 Kilometers of the South Downs Way


You have to guard against sore toe nails. I should have remember this after my last long hike across Hong Kong island when I did 50km. After a couple of years back in the UK I thought I would challenge myself to a longer walk then my normal 10km stroll on Sunday. The perfect nexus of events threw up the opportunity over the Christmas break 2015. In life these come about rarely so grab them with both hands. So I set off early and drive to Birling Gap on the south coast of England.

Birling Gap is an impressive place locked close to sea level between Beachy head to the east and the Seven Sisters hike to the west. Its the perfect place for the indecisive hiker to park and choose a direction. From my experience the most scenic routes are along the coast so you'll be back tracking on yourself. The circular routes on the various websites did not appeal to me.

My walk took my over Beachy Head down into Eastbourne and then along the coastal path to Pevensey Bay where I turned around and walked back. As with all long walks your mind wants to give up much earlier than your body so I had to put up significant resistance to getting the bus back along the coast from Eastbourne to Birling Gap car park. But apparently one does run along the coast should you get weak at the knees or the though of a hot cup of tea is more appealing than the leg stiffening ascent over Beachy head

Birling Gap

I went on a grey miserable day but you can imagine how beautiful this would be on a clear, blue sky day. This view is looking south across the sea out from Birling Gap

Looking east from Birling Gap

Looking down toward Birling Gap and over the Sisters

The hike up from Birling Gap

The South Downs Way is a well marked route

Beachy Head Light house

Beachy Head light house

Looking down into Eastbourne

Beaches of Eastbourne

Pevensey Bay Shingle beach

Wild Ponies on Beachy Head

Pony on Beachy Head - busy grazing

The route and my timings

I took a fairly easy walk and took my time to stop to eat, admire and drink tea. My route and timings are below.


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