Saturday 2 January 2016

Have a break, have a Sig


No, not a cigarette, have a break in Singapore. After two years away from Asia the withdrawal symptoms for the family were too much so a visit back there was warranted. We did a 10 day stint across Singapore and Hong Kong. For us all, both visits were home away from home.

Singapore has a bunch of obvious things to do that you can get from trip advisor. Given we had done the sights before we stuck to a few of our favourites. So here are our pictures from Singapore. The new attraction was Gardens by the Bay which were very nice but would be a complete orgasm for the avid gardeners. You will definitely have your " When Harry met Sally" moment. While an avid gardener it did not hit such a high note but definitely worth a visit.

Gardens By the Bay

Night View of Gardens by the Bay

Chrysanthemum Close up

More Chrises


Gardens by the bay Sky Walk

Chris - unfolding

Orchid Gardens

No trip to Singapore would be complete without a visit to the Orchid Gardens nestled in the Singapore Botanical Gardens. Each time we've visited Singapore we've always been to the Orchid gardens and this is probably our third or fourth visit to the Orchid Gardens. Some of the marvels you'll see are shown below.

Get up early and bike

If you're in Singapore for a longer period of time try and do the ECP cycleway that stretches along the bottom cost of Singapore from the Gardens by the Bay past Changi. We did the cycleway during the weekdays and early in the morning so the path was quiet. There are a number of eating and coffee places located along the coast so easy to stop for something to eat or drink.

The Singaporean are obsessed with the pollution levels and there are period of the year where it is a serious problem. So bad you cant see your nostrils! Learn to check the pollution levels when you're there.

McRitchie Walk

We also did the McRitchie walk in the middle of Singapore island, the walk is a time pass and should probably near the middle to the bottom of your list. But if you're a regular visitor to Singapore this is a good detour of an attraction. The walk has a lovely rope bridge and monkeys that are the key sights to see along the way.


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