Sunday 26 June 2016

Cool off with some Coldplay


There are a number of experience we have which chill our spine. You maybe surrounded by nature, partake in a magical sunset or have an outstanding holiday. Its rare that entertainment provides this level of experience. The most magical experiences tend to be free and natural, you may need to pay to go to that location but that a matter of choice.

We recently went to a Coldplay concert that rivals these spine chills you may experience in nature. Our date with Coldplay was on the 15th June 2016. The first of their dates at Wembley Stadium. What an amazing experience, I am obviously a fan but most typically of their earlier work, I was less familiar with their last three albums. But what a great experience - if you get the opportunity so see them grab it if you half like their music. They sounds as good live as they are digitally and the guitar line will pierce your veins. In addition your are absorbing and singing meaningful words. I am still surprised by how down to earth and normal individuals the group are. Its obvious that the band members disappear once the light go down and lead a normal(ish) life. But their front man (Chris Martin) seems thoroughly down to earth and genuine person. There is a stage persona but its not too far away from what seems like a normal genuine human.

We got seats high up at Wembley Stadium but hell the sound was great and while we were far away from the action it saved us standing for a couple of hours. You're given these bracelets when you enter and they light up during the concert making for a visual spectacle it doesn't distract from the music. I  do not think I could have stood for two hours and then danced for another two. Probably the signs of age. Interestingly on the sign of age note it was interesting to see the variation of age groups at the stadium. Good music transcends age demographics and Coldplay were a testament to this purity.

Stay down to earth - Coldplay - that is how we like you.

You want to see the best live band of this generation go to a Coldplay concert.

The snippets


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