Sunday 26 June 2016

South Downs Way : Seven Sisters Walk


The picturesque image of the white cliff of Dover are a key UK attraction. While these cliff are to be admired when travelling on the channel ferries. The south downs way present a similar slightly more accessible attraction. Following my visit to the are during winter we took the chance to do a more leisurely walk across the Seven Sisters with the family. We pick a bright spring day which was in direct contrast to when i walked the spot earlier in the summer. Again we started at Birling Gap and walked west along the South Downs Way.

We didn't follow the recommended walk we did our own thing. But as you can see from the pictures below we picked the ideal time and place to do it. The ethos - get out and do something and it will reward you.

The Seven Sisters

Our route was pretty much Birling Gap to Cuckmere Haven which is where the river Cuckmere meet the sea. It was pretty much the same back. The route has steep inclines and declines so its a bit of interval training. But if you're reasonably fit its easy ! Hope this drives you to get out and do the route. Obviously if you're feeling challenged you can do the other walk in the area that start at Exeat or Eastbourne. There is a bus service that can take you back to where you started.


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