Tuesday 29 August 2017

Coastal France - Day 4 : St Emilion (Bordeaux)


After two days on the beach in Les Sables D'Olonne we drove down through France touching the town of Bordeaux further south before our assault on Spain. The target was the town of St.Emilion in the Bordeaux region. 

The town is a mecca for wine lovers, while we did not know much about wine but we knew its a very picturesque town to visit. We had not pre booked any wine tasting appointments either.

Our approach was rather random in keeping with the entire trip, so we were emailing chateaux's on our way to Bordeaux. In the end we stopped on the way into St Emilion at various chateaux. We eventually got onto a tasting at a small chateaux called Dourthe

Before the tasting we had time to walk around the top part of St.Emilion. We parked around the main square as you enter St.Emilion and the walked around the area and the top part of the town. We were passing through the town so we didnt spend hours there but its a very picturesque place and somewhere worth spending a whole day. For the wine aficionado you're likely to want to move to this town.

Here's a few pictures from our visit to St.Emilion

We got information about St.Emilion from the tourist office, while there was a queue there was plenty of good information at the tourist office where they catered for all sorts of visitors those there for the day or those there for longer periods. We selected a driving map of the region with specific view points across the vineyards and drove around until it was time for our tasting. The beauty of the place is such that its easy to pass the time.

The town is filled with wine shops so my guess is that if you want to buy fine wine in quantity this is the place to come. 

Here are some picture from our drive around the village;

The route

I've summarise our route for the day below, its was quite a substantial drive from Les Sable to the south west of France near Bayonne.

Obviously the drive was a lot longer than shown above we reach our campsite late into the evening. The tent was set up and the cooking stove started and in the south of France we had a cracking meal. If you're looking to recreate our dinner.

A classic meal thoroughly recommended while camping.


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