Monday 11 September 2017

Coastal France - Day 5 : Biarritz to Spain, San Sebastian (Spain)


Day 5 began with a short drive from our campsite to Biarritz and then onto Spain. The drive to Biarritz was relatively quick and it took just over an hour. Biarritz is a surfers paradise and its streets and restaurants carry the same vibe.

The summer weather in Biarritz was scorching with the surfers out in force. Parking in Biarritz was difficult but with persistence you can find a space. Familiarise yourselves with the parking signs as the authorities seem serious on towing people away.

We stopped for lunch in Biarritz town walking to it past the cliffs and the beach where the surfers ruled. Here is what you should expect to see in Biarritz

Biarritz to San Sebastian

The drive to San Sebastian is again a very short drive. It is quite strange how many motorway toll there are over a such a short distance. The transition from France to Spain is as seamless as with any border crossing in Europe. As you drive in to San Sebastian you can see the Pyrenees mountains.

San Sebastian is a fantastic little town with amazing beach. In the evening the locals all come out and you get quite an interesting and often exhibitionist crowd. Here are some of the sights on San Sebastian

The main focal area in San Sebastian is around the La Concha beach with the smaller streets at one end of beach having all the shops and bars. The city is a busy place and as the evening draws closer the tapas bars get ready with large serving plates full of tapas tempting passers by. Its a great city to walk around during the day and evening.

The summer in San Sebastian is hot and it is definitely the best time to go with the city buzzing with tourists. We stayed at a hotel that was very last minute and very last minute expensive but given it was the height of the tourist season and the hotel was booked on the go. We ended in the center of town near the railway station with convenient underground parking.

We were only in San Sebastian for the day our objective was to touch Spain. When the Zafira hit Spain it added to its long list of European destinations that it has been too.


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